[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In keeping with the essential purposes of all greater Universities since the dawn of man’s struggle toward universal human dignity, the objectives of the University of Nigeria are:

To seek truth

To teach truth

To preserve truth

These were legislated for the institution by the Eastern Nigeria House of Assembly on 28th January, 1955in the following words:

To hold forth to all classes and communities whatsoever an encouragement for pursuing a regular and liberal course of education.

To promote research and the advancement of science and learning. To organize, improve and extend education of a University standard.

But the goals of the University of Nigeria go beyond those of education for its own sake. This seat of higher learning is committed to play a dynamic and significant task which faces the country o fit is part: that of building a great new nation.

This is a University whose orientation is at once Academic, Cultural and Vocational, and whose content   is Nigerian, in the context of all Africa and the larger world. At the inaugural convocation of the University, DrNnamdiAzikiwe, in an address entitled “heroes and heroines of a new Nigeria” summed up the outlook of the university in the following words:

“The founders of the University f Nigeria aimed at

relating its activities to the social and economic needs

and day-to-day life of the people”.

This calls for a realistic approach to the problems of education.

Since its inception, the University has grown form strength to strength. The total enrollment from 1995/96 academic session was 20. 747. This figure is made up of the following: full- time Undergraduates (2369): part time Post Graduates (278): Post Graduate Diploma (42) and Sunn- Degree (895). In addition, 16, 771 students enrolled for the Sandwich Progamme in 1995 (10, 124) and in 1996 (6, 647). The staff strength has grown to 1213, Senior Administrative (910), Senior Technical (983), Senior Secretariat (429)   and Junior Staff (2703). The University has at present 14 faculties with 88 Departments, two Schools, 8 Sub-Departments and 7 Institutes/Centers.

Inspired and sustained by its philosophy, the University is already committed to the future with all its promise and prospect of restoring the dignity of man.

The university was taken over along with other Universities in the Country by the Federal Military Government in 1st April, 1973.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]