The Philosophical thrust of Geography is that spatial phenomena, the processes that yield them and the environment are inextricably linked. Consequently, the future of this planet and the human societies it supports depends upon committed, informed and critical persons trained to confront the challenges of Geography and Spatial issues.


The degree programme seeks to fulfill the following objectives:

  1. To lay a thorough foundation in all the systematic branches of geography, as well as training students in geographic methods, philosophy and applications.
  2. To lay a sound foundation in the study, appreciation and management of the spatial and geographic environment.
  3. To introduce students to field work and studies of processes and inter-relationships with a view to bridging the gap between theory and application.
  4. To afford students exposure to specialized aspects of their choice in geography, spatial management and the geographic environment in their final year.


The programme offered by the Department is broad and diverse, encompassing course work and research project. Courses offered cover diverse areas in the General, Physical, Quantitative, Regional and Human Geography. Other areas include Population and Settlement Studies, Economic Geography, Environmental Issues and Problems, Environmental Protection and Management, Practicals in Geography and Spatial Management.

Courses normally involve lectures, laboratory work, seminars and field work. Candidates are, in addition, required to present research projects which must be original in content and problem-solving oriented.