First Semester
Course Code                         Course Title                                      Units
Major Courses
RCS 101   Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123                 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introduction to African Traditional Religion 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101                 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
Electives: Choose any two of the following
ACH101   Fundamentals of Archaeology 2
ECO 101 Principles of Economics I 2
FRE 101  Elementary French I




PHL101  Introduction to Philosophy I 2
ANT102  Introduction to Anthropology 4
                                Total 18/20

Second Semester

Course Code          Course Title                                                        Units
Major Courses
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112   Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament 2
RCS 122                  Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124                  Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus 2
RCS 142   Religion and Human Values 2
General Studies Course  
GSP 102                 The Use of English II 2
Electives: Choose two Courses from the following:
ACH 102                Introduction to Archaeological Methods 2
ECO 102 Principles of Economics II




FRE 102  Elementary French II 2
PHL 102 Introduction to Philosophy II 2
PSY   103 Determinant of Behaviour




Total 16


First Semester
Course Code          Course Title Units
Major Courses
RCS 211                 Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew 2
RCS 213                 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231                 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
RCS 261                 Religious Ethics I 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Electives:   Choose two Courses from the following  
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in  
Greek will be required to take RCS 221)  
HIS 111   Nigeria before 1900 2
SOC 203   Sociology of Knowledge, Science and Technology 2
PHL 251 African Philosophy I 2     4
IGB 201  Intermediate Igbo 2
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221                 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2
PSY 261                 Psychology of Personality 2
                                Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Units
Major Courses  
RCS 204 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 206   Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
RCS 212 Elements of Hebrew Grammar 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 272 History of Islam in West Africa 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Electives: Choose two Courses from the following  
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in               
Greek will be required to take RCS 222)  
IGB 202  Intermediate Igbo II 2
RCS 202   Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 208 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion 2       4/5
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 262 Ethical and Basic Principles of     Counselling 2
ECO 211 History of Economic Thought I 3
ACH 212                Human Evolution 2
Total 20/21
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Units
Major Courses  
RCS 313 Religion of the Old Testament 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginnings 2
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 331 History of Christianity in West Africa 2
RCS 301 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 101                 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Electives: Choose one Course from the following  
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in  
Hebrew will be required to take RCS 311)  
HIS   311 Nigeria from 1900 to 1960 2
RCS 311                 Hebrew Grammar and Syntax I 2
RCS 343 The Relevance of Religion to Man 2
PHL 351 African Philosophy II 2
Total 18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322     Earliest Christianity: The Life   and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
RCS 334 African Church Fathers 2
RCS 362 Religious Ethics II 2
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 304   Computer Applications 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Electives: Choose one Course from the following  
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in  
Hebrew will be required to take RCS 312)
RCS 312 Hebrew Grammar and Syntax II 2
IGB 332  Aspects of Igbo Culture 3
RCS 342 Man and His Culture 2         2/3
RCS 344 Religion and Human Values II 2
RCS 352 African Traditional Religion III 2
PHL 312 Philosophy of Religion 2
Total 18/19

First Semester

Course Code                          Course Title Units
Major Courses  
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 437 Modern African Religious Thought 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
Electives: Choose one Course from the following:
RCS 411 Hebrew Poetry 2
RCS 443   Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2       2
RCS 471 Islamic Ethics 2


Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Units
Major Courses
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 3
RCS 416   Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Text II 3
RCS 492 Project 6
Electives: Choose one Course from the following:  
RCS 402 Religion and the Nigerian Nation 2
RCS 444 Theodicy 2       2
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2
                               Total 16
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religions 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 211 Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
                                Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 122 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 202 Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 212 Elements of Hebrew Grammar 2
RCS 214 Exilic And Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Tradition of Jesus 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Electives: Choose one Course from the following:
ACH 102     Introduction to Archaeological Methods 2     2
RCS 206 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
Total 20
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 213   The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
RCS 313 The Religion of the Old Testament 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion III 2
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Electives: Choose one Course from the following  
(Those who have shown proficiency in Greek and  
Hebrew will be required to take RCS 221 and RCS 311)  
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2
HIS   311 Nigeria: 1900 ― 1960 2       2
RCS 311 Hebrew Grammar and Syntax I 2
RCS 343 The Relevance of Religion to Man 2
                           Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 204 Field Trip And Research Tutorial II 2
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life And Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
RCS.342 Man and His Culture 2
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 304 Computers Applications 2
CED 342   Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II    2
Electives: Choose two Courses from the following:  
Those who have shown proficiency in Greek and  
Hebrew will be required to take RCS 222 and RCS 312  
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2
SOC 251 Social Change and Social Problems 2
PSY 261 Psychology of Personality 2
RCS 272 History of Islam in West Africa 2         4/5
RCS 312 Hebrew Grammar and Syntax II 2
IGB 332  Aspects of Igbo Culture 3
RCS 352 African Traditional Religion III 2


First semester
Course Code           Course Title




Major Courses  
RCS 331 History of Christianity in West Africa 2
RCS 301 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
Electives:   Choose one Course from the following:
RCS 411 Hebrew poetry 2
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2     2
RCS 471 Islamic Ethics 2
                             Total 18
Second semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 362 Religious Ethics II 2
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 3
RCS 416   Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Text II 3
RCS 492 Project 6
Electives: Choose one Courses from the following:  
RCS 402 Religion and the Nigerian Nation 2
RCS 444 Theodicy 2   2
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2
                                 Total 18
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introducing African Traditional Religion 2
ACH 101                Fundamentals of Archaeology 2
TRM 101                Introduction to Tourism 2
ACH 121                Fundamentals of Civilization 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
                                 Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                    Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 122 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124 Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus 2
ACH 102                Introduction to Archaeological Methods 2
ACH 104                Public Archaeology I 2
ACH 106                Introduction to Museum Studies 2
General Studies Course
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
                         Total 16
First Semester  
Course Code                 Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
ACH 211                Environmental Archaeology 2
ACH 235                Artefacts Studies I 2
TRM 241                Tourism Products and Services 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Elective:       Choose One Course From the Following:
RCS 201 History of Religions 2       2
RCS 221 Advanced Biblical Greek I




                                             Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title           ` Unit
Major Courses
RCS 204 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Tradition of Jesus 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
TRM 202                Tourism Marketing and Shopping 2
ACH 212                Human Evolution 2
ACH 234                Basic Display Techniques 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Elective:                  Choose One Course from the Following:  
RCS 202 Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 205 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2     2
SWK 224                Functions of Social Work 2
SWK 228                Social Work in Health Care Setting 2
SWK 248                Social Work Communication Techniques 2
                                    Total 20
First Semester:  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 301 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 331 History of Christianity in West Africa 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
ACH 303                Public Archaeology II 2
ACH 321                Ethnography of Africa 2
ACH 333                Museum Outreach 2
Required Ancillary Courses
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
                                     Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
ACH 304                Introduction to Ethno-Archaeology 2
ACH 306                Environmental Impact Assessment 2
ACH 332                Artefacts Studies II 2
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 304 Computer Application 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
                                 Total 18
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 The Close of New Testament Era 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
ACH 421                Archaeology of Nigeria 3
ACH 433                Artefacts Studies III 3
Elective:  Choose One Course from the Following  
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3       2/3
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2
                               Total 17/18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 2
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 2
RCS 492 Project 6
ACH 402 Theory in Archaeology and Interpretation of Data 3
ACH 422                Africa’s Indigenous Knowledge and   Technology 2
Electives: Choose One Course from the Following:
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2       2
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2
                                 Total 19
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introduction to African Traditional Religion 2
ELS   111 Introduction to Oral Literature 3
ELS   141 Introduction to Fiction 3
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2


Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament 2
RCS 122 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124 Introduction to the Traditions of Jesus 2
ELS   105 Introduction to Nigerian Literature II 3
ELS   121 Basic Grammar and Composition 3
General Studies Course  
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
Total 16
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
ELS 241  English Literature The Beginnings 3
ELS 221  Spoken English 3
General Studies Courses  
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Electives : Choose one course from the following
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2     2 /3
ELS 242  English Literature: The Renaissance Period 3
ELS 243  English Literature: The Neo-Period 3
                       Total 20/21
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 204                 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 216 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 272 History of Islam in West Africa 2
ELS 222 Intermediate English: Grammar   and Composition 3
ELS 230  Comedy: Moliere to Soyinka 3
General Studies Courses  
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Electives: Choose one Course from the following  
RCS 206 Problems of Religious Beliefs and History 2
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2     2/3
ELS 212  American Literature: The Modern Period 3
ELS 214 English Literature: Neo-Classical Period 3
                       Total 20/21
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 313 Religion of the Old Testament 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 341 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
ELS 344  African Fiction 3
ELS 355  African Poetry 3
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
ELS 324 Morphology and Syntax of English 3
ELS 343 English Literature: Modern Period 3
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 304 Computer Applications 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Electives: Choose one Course from the following  
RCS 362 Religious Ethics II 2
ANT 303 Nigerian Peoples and Culture 3
IGB 332  Aspects of Igbo Culture 3       2/3
RCS 342 Man and His Culture 3
PSY 365   Personality Assessment 2
                                     Total 20/21
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 The Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
ELS 421  Stylistics 3
ELS 452  Studies in Poetry 3
Electives: Choose one Course from the following
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 437 Modern African Religious Thought 3
ELS 411  American and Afro-American Literature 3
ELS 441  Studies in Fiction 3
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2
ELS 447  European Continental Literature 3
RCS 471 Islamic Ethics 2
                           Total 17/18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 3
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Text II 3
RCS 492 Project 6
ELS 433  Studies in Drama 3
ELS 441  Studies in Fiction 3
                                 Total 20
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title                                           Unit
Major Courses
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introducing African Traditional Religion 2
HIS   101 Introduction to History 2
HIS   111 Nigeria before 1900 3
HIS   121 History of African From 1500-1800 3
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
                                Total 22
Second Semester  
Course Code                     Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 122 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124 Introduction the Traditions of Jesus 2
HIS   102 Introduction to Economic History 2
HIS   122 History of West Africa since 1500 2
HIS   132 Europe from the French Revolution to the Second World War 2
General Studies Course
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
                              Total 16
First Semester  
Course Code             Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
RCS 233 Religious Ethics I 2
HIS 213  Diplomatic History of Nigeria Since 1960 2
HIS 233  Europe from the Second World War to the Present 2
General Studies Course
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Elective:       Choose One Course From the Following:
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2         2
HIS 221  Southern Africa from 1400 2
                                 Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title           ` Unit
Major Courses
RCS 204 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Tradition of Jesus 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
HIS 222  Africa and European Imperialism 3
HIS 224  Economic History of West Africa in 19th and 20th Centuries 3
General Studies Course
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Elective: Choose One Course from the Following:  
RCS 202 Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 205 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2     2/3
ECO 211 History of Economic Thought I 3
HIS 226  African Women in History 2
SOC 251 Social Change and Social Problems 3
                            Total 20/21
First Semester:  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 301 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
HIS 311  Nigeria From 1900-1960 3
HIS 321  Africa and the wider World in the 20th Century 2
HIS 361  Historiography 3
Required Ancillary Courses
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
                     Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
HIS 302  History of the Commonwealth 2
HIS 322  Problems and Prospects of Regional Economic Development in Africa 3
HIS 332  Russia since 1917 3
Required Ancillary courses  
COS 304 Computer Application 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
                               Total 20
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 The Close of New Testament Era 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
HIS 401  Development of Parliamentary Systems 3
HIS 411  Nigeria from 1970 to Present 2
HIS 412  Economic History of Nigeria in the 20th Century 2
Elective:  Choose One Course from the Following  
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2           2/3
RCS 471 Islamic Ethics 2
HIS 415  Igboland to the Present 3
                     Total 18/19
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 2
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 2
RCS 492 Project 6
HIS 404  Philosophy of History 2
HIS   422 Africa since 1800 2
Electives: Choose One Course from the Following:
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2       2
HIS 406  Conflict, War and Peace since 1900 2
SOC 251 Social Change and Social Problems 2
                                 Total 18
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introducing African Traditional Religion 2
MAC101 Introduction to Mass Communication 4
MAC111 Element of Journalistic Style 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
                                 Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code               Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament 2
RCS 122 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124 Introduction the Traditions of Jesus 2
MAC102 African Communication System 4
MAC112 Writing for the Mass 2
General Studies Course
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
                           Total 16
First Semester
Course Code                   Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History     2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
MAC241 Principles of Public Relations 2
MAC 201 Theories of Mass Communication 2
MAC261 Introduction to Film 2
General Studies Course
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Elective:       Choose One Course From the Following:
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
MAC211 Critical and Review Writing 2
Total 18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title           ` Unit
Major Courses
RCS 204 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Tradition of Jesus 2
MAC202 Media and Society 2
MAC 222 Principles of Broadcasting 2
MAC242 Principles of Advertising 2
General Studies Course
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Elective: Choose One Course from the Following:  
RCS 202 Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 205 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2
MAC204 Information and Communication Technology 2
Total 18
First Semester:  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 341 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
MAC301 Development Journalism 2
MAC361 Photojournalism 2
MAC333 Fundamentals of Book Publishing 2
Required Ancillary Course
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Total 18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title                                           Unit  
Major Courses
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
MAC302 Specialized Report 2
MAC334 Magazine Production 2
MAC332 Newspaper Production 2
Required Ancillary course  
COS 304 Computer Application 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Total 16
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 The Close of New Testament Era 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
MAC401 Mass Communication Law and Ethics 2
MAC431 Advanced Newspaper Production 2
MAC441 Advanced Public Relations 2
Elective:  Choose One Course from the Following  
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2
RCS 471 Islamic Ethics 2
MAC403 International Communications 2
MAC423 Station Management and Operations 2
Total 17/18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 2
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 2
RCS 492 Project 6
MAC402 Media Management 2
MAC442 Advanced Advertising 2
MAC462 Documentary Film Production 2
Electives:   Choose One Course from the Following:
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2
MAC422 Broadcast Seminar 2
Total 20
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introducing African Traditional Religion 2
PUB 101 Introduction to Public Administration I 3
LGS 101 Introduction to Local Government 3
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                     Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 122 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124 Introduction the Traditions of Jesus 2
PUB 102 Introduction to Public Administration II 2
PUB 103 Principles of Management 2
PUB 105 Introduction to Organisations 2
General Studies Course
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
Total 16
First Semester
Course Code                     Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
PUB 222 Administration and Environment 2
PUB 251 Introduction to Human Resources Management 3
General Studies Courses
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Elective:       Choose One Course From the Following:
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2           2/3
PUB 221 Nigerian Public Administration 3
PUB 231 Nigerian Government I 2
Total 17/18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title           ` Unit
Major Courses
RCS 204 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Tradition of Jesus 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
PUB 241 Introduction to Public Financial Administration 3
PUB 224 Comparative Public Administration 3
General Studies Courses
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Elective: Choose One Course from the Following:  
RCS 202 Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 205 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2   2
PUB 232 Nigerian Government II 2
LGS 232 Theories of Community Development 2
Total 20
First Semester:
Course Code          Course Title                                                           Unit
Major Courses
RCS 301 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 331 History of Christianity in West Africa 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
PUB 311 Administrative Theory and Practice I 3
PUB 351 Public Personnel Administration 3
Required Ancillary Courses
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Total 18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
PUB 323 Project Management 3
PUB 332 Inter-Governmental Relations in Nigeria 3
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 304 Computer Application 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Total 18
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title                                           Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 The Close of New Testament Era 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
PUB 431 Public Policy Analysis 3
PUB 432 Bureaucracy and Policy Process 3
Elective:  Choose One Course from the Following  
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2
RCS 471 Islamic Ethics 2
PUB 451 Manpower Planning and Development 3
PUB 441 Budgeting and Budgetary Processes 3
Total 17/18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 2
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 2
RCS 492 Project 6
PUB 411 Theories of Development 3
LGS 432 Management Problems in the Local Government System in Nigeria 3
Electives: Choose One Course from the Following:
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework                                2
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2         2/3
PUB 424 Information and Communication Management 3
PUB 426 Public Administration Ethics 3
Total 20/21
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introducing African Traditional Religion 2
SWK 101                Introduction to Social Work 2
SWK 111                Communication in Social Work 2
SWK 121                Social Deviance and Systems Organisation 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                     Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 122 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124 Introduction the Traditions of Jesus 2
SWK 102 Human Behaviour and the Social Environment 3
SWK 122 Philosophy and Ethics of Social Work 2
General Studies Course
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
Total 15
First Semester
Course Code                     Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
SWK 203                Elements of Scientific Thought for Social Workers 2
SWK 231                Crime, Delinquency and the Quality of Life 2
SWK 245                Field Work Practice: Social Analysis in Case Work 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Elective: Choose One Course From the Following:
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2       2
SWK 251                Community Development 2
Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title           ` Unit
Major Courses
RCS 204 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Tradition of Jesus 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
SWK 214                Death, Loss and Grief 2
SWK 242                Social Work Intervention with Families 2
SWK 244                Social Work in Rehabilitation 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Elective: Choose One Course from the Following:  
RCS 202 Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 205 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2         2
SWK 224                Functions of Social Work 2
SWK 228                Social Work in Health Care Setting 2
SWK 248                Social Work Communication Techniques 2
Total 20
First Semester:  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 301 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
SWK 301                Orphans and Vulnerable Children Services 2
SWK 313                Communities Mental Health 2
SWK 353                Social Work and Mental Health 2
SWK 345                Field Work Practice: Social Analysis in Groups Work 3
Required Ancillary Courses
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Total 19
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title                                           Unit
Major Courses
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
SWK 320                Social Work and Social Problems 2
SWK 328                Dynamics of Social Functioning 2
SWK 348                Social Work and the Elderly 2
SWK 346                Field Work: Problem Solving and Evaluation in Group Work 3
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS 304 Computer Application 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Total 19
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 The Close of New Testament Era 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
SWK 421                International Social Work 3
SWK 442                Methods of Social Work Practice 3
Elective:  Choose One Course from the Following  
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 2
RCS 471 Islamic Ethics 2         2/3
SWK 451                Community Development Practice 3
SWK 413                Social Work and the Law 2
SWK 431                Ethno-Cultural Relations and the Nigerian State 2
SWK 447                Social Work Practice with Children 2
Total 17/18
Second Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 2
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 2
RCS 492 Project 6
SWK 434 Social Work Legislation and Policy 3
SWK 442                Generalist Approach in Social Work 2
Electives: Choose One Course from the Following:
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2         2/3
SWK 454                Clinical Social Work Practice, Psychotherapy and Trauma 3
SWK 406                Models of Family Therapy 2
Total 19/20


First Semester
Course No.                             Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 121                 Basic Biblical Greek I 2
RCS 123                 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introduction to African Traditional Religion 2
ANT102  Introduction to Anthropology 4
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 101 Use of English I 2
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library and Study Skill




Total 22

Second Semester

Course No.                             Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I 2
RCS 112 Introduction to the Study of   the Old Testament 2
RCS 122                 Basic Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 124                 Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus 2
RCS 142 Religion and Human Values 2
ANT 121 Language in Society and Culture 2
SOC 102 Introduction to Sociology II 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 102 Use of English II 2
GSP106 Natural Science II 2
                Total 18


First Semester

Course No.                             Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 211                 Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew 2
RCS 213                 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion I 2
ANT 201 History of Anthropology And Sociology Thought 4
SOC 203 Sociology of Knowledge, Science and Technology 2
SOC 221 Criminology and Penology 3
General Studies Course  
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Elective: Choose one Course from the following
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in Greek
will be required to take RCS 221)
HIS   111 Nigeria before 1900 2
PHL 251 African Philosophy I 2
IGB 201                  Intermediate Igbo 2
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 221                 Advanced Biblical Greek I 2
PSY 261                 Psychology of Personality 2
                                Total 21

Second Semester

Courses No.                           Title                                                        Unit
Major Courses
RCS 206                 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History 2
RCS 212 Elements of Hebrew Grammar 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Traditions of Jesus 2
ANT 212 African Social Institutions 4
SOC 251 Social Change and Social Problems 3
SOC 211 Sociology of the Family 3
General Studies Course  
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Elective: Choose one Course from the following.  
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in Greek  
will be required to take RCS 222)  
IGB 202  Intermediate Igbo II 2
RCS 202 Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2
RCS 208 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion 2       2/3
RCS 222 Advanced Biblical Greek II 2
RCS 262 Ethical and Basic Principles of Counselling 2
ECO 211 History of Economic Thought I 3
ACH 212                Human Evolution 2
Total 22


First Semester

Course No.                             Title


Major Courses  
RCS 313 Religion of the Old Testament 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginnings 2
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 341 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
SOC 301 Sociological Theory and Analysis 4
SOC 322 Systems of Social Inequality 2
Required Ancillary Course  
COS 101                 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Elective: Choose one Course from the following:  
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in Hebrew  
will be required to take RCS 311)  
HIS 311   Nigeria from 1900 to 1960 2
RCS 311                 Hebrew Grammar and Syntax I 2         2
RCS 331 History of Christianity in West Africa 2
RCS 343 The Relevance of Religion to Man 2
PHL 351 African Philosophy II 2
Total 22

Second Semester

Course No.                             Title                                                        Unit  
Major Courses       
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
RCS 362 Religious Ethics II 2
SOC 328 Political Sociology 2
SOC 354 Contemporary African Social Thought 2

Required Ancillary Courses


COS   304                Computer Applications 2
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Elective: Choose one Course from the following:  
(Those who have shown adequate proficiency in Hebrew  
will be required to take RCS 312)
RCS 312 Hebrew Grammar and Syntax II 2
RCS 342 Man and His Culture 2
RCS 344 Religion and Human Values II 2
RCS 352 African Traditional Religion III 2
Total 20




First Semester

Course No.                             Title                                                        Unit

Major Courses
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
RCS 491 Project Tutorials 1
ANT 421 Race and Ethic Relations 4
ANT 432 Urban Sociology and Anthropology 4
SOC 432 Industrial Sociology 3
Total 20

Second Semester

Course No.                             Title Unit
Major Courses       
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 3
RCS 422 New Testament Text II 3
RCS 492 Project 6
ANT 411 Comparative African Social Institutions 4
SOC 451 Sociology of Development 4
                                Total 20
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS 151 Introducing African Traditional Religion 2
EDU 102 History of Education 2
EDU 211 Educational Psychology I 2
Required Ancillary Course
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 111 Use of the Library 2
                                Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 112 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament 2
RCS 124 Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus 2
RCS   204                Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
EDU 201 Philosophy of Education 2
EDU 205 Sociology of Education 2
EDU 323 Pre-School Education 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Required Ancillary Course
COS 304 Computer Applications 2
Total 18
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Course  
RCS 201 History of Religions 2
RCS 213 The People of O.T.: Their History 2
RCS 223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine 2
RCS 231 Christian History and Doctrine I 2
RCS 251 African Traditional religion 2
RCS 261 Religious Ethics I 2
EDU 221 Curriculum Theory and Planning 2
General Studies Course
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Course  
RCS 206 Problems of Religious Beliefs and Thought 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Past-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 224 Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 272 History of Islam in West Africa 2
EDU 222 Special Methods 3
EDU 224 Educational Technology 2
EDU 311 Educational Psychology II 2
General Studies Course
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Total 19
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 313 Religion of the Old Testament 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 331 History of Christianity in West Africa 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
EDU 325 Teaching Practice I 3
EDU 341 Research Methods, Statistics and Computer Usage 3
EDU 411 Educational Psychology III 2
Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
EDU 321 Curriculum Implementation & Instruction 3
Elective: Choose Two Courses from the Following
EDU 219 Principles of Behaviour Modification 2
EDU 318 Behaviour Modification II 2
RCS 344 Man and His Culture 2
Total 15
First Semester  
Course Code                                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
EDU 425 Teaching Practice II 3
Elective   Choose One Course from the Following:
RCS 407 Modern African Thought 3
RCS 443 Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society 3
Total 17
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 3
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 2
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 3
EDU 204 Environmental Education 2
EDU 433 Classroom Organization and Management 2
EDU 441 Measurement and Evaluation 2
EDU 451 Research Project 4
Total 18
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religions 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
EDU 101 Introduction to Education 2
EDU 102 History of Education 2
EDU 211 Education Psychology             I 2
EDU 221 Curriculum Theory and Planning 2
Required Ancillary Course
COS101  Introduction to Computer Science 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 101                 The Use of English I 2
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 111                 Use of the Library 2
GSP 201                 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Total 24
Second Semester  
Course Code          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 112 Introduction to the Old Testament 2
RCS 124 Introduction to the Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 204 Field Trip and Tutorial II 2
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
EDU 222 Special Methods 3
EDU 224 Educational Technology 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Required Ancillary course  
COS 304                Computer Applications 2
Total 21
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses  
RCS 213                 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 313 Religion of the Old Testament 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
RCS 341 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
EDU 325 Teaching Practice I 3
EDU 341 Research Methods, Statistics and Computer Usage 3
EDU 431 Education Administration 2
General Studies Courses
CED 341 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 224 Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
RCS 342 Man and His Culture 2
EDU 311 Education Psychology II 2
EDU 321 Curriculum Implementation & Instruction 2
EDU 433 Classroom Organization and Management 2
General Studies Course
CED 342 Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Total 20
First Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
EDU 411 Educational Psychology III 2
EDU 425 Teaching Practice II 3
Total 18
Second Semester  
Course Code          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 362 Religious Ethics II 2
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 3
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 3
EDU 441 Measurement and Evaluation 2
EDU 451 Project 4
Elective   Choose One Course from the Following:  
RCS 416 Pseudo-epigraphic Books of the Old Testament 3
RCS 444 Theodicy 3
Total 20
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 225 Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 251 African Traditional Religion II 2
EDU 211 Educational Psychology I 2
EDU 221 Curriculum Theory and Planning 2
EDU 222 Special Methods 3
EDU 341 Research Methods, Statistics and Computer Usage 3
Required Ancillary Course
COS 101 Introduction to Computer science 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Total                                                                       22  
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
EDU 205 Sociology of Education 2
EDU 224 Educational Technology 2
EDU 311 Educational Psychology II 2
EDU 321 Curriculum Implementation & Instruction 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Required Ancillary Course  
COS 304 Computer Applications 2
Total 22
First Semester
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS 421 Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
RCS 461 Departmental Seminar 2
EDU 102 History of Education 2
EDU 341 Research Method, Statistics and Computer Usage 3
EDU 411 Educational Psychology III 2
EDU 431 Educational Administration 2
Total 20
Second Semester  
Course Code                          Course Title Unit
Major Courses
RCS 272 History of Islam in West Africa 2
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 3
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 3
RCS 456 Comparative Study of Religion in Africa 2
EDU 201 Philosophy of Education 2
EDU 433 Classroom Organization and Management 2
EDU 441 Measurement and Evaluation 2
EDU 451 Research Project 4
Total 20
Course Code        Course Title Unit
Major Courses
EDU 101 Introduction to Education 2
EDU 102 History of Education 2
EDU 221 Curriculum Theory and Planning 2
EDU 222 Special Methods 3
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religions 2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament I 2
RCS 123 The Background of the New Testament 2
Required Ancillary Course
COS101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
Total 21
Course Code        Course Title Unit
Major Courses
EDU 211 Education Psychology I 2
EDU 224 Educational Technology 2
EDU 325 Teaching Practice I 3
RCS 112 Introduction to the Old Testament II 2
RCS 124 Introduction to the Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 204 Field Trip & Tutorial II 2
RCS 213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History 2
RCS 321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginning 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 102   The Use of English II 2
GSP 106                Natural Science II 2
Required Ancillary course  
COS304   Computer Applications 2
Total 23
Course Code                        Course Title                                         Unit
Major Courses
EDU 311 Educational Psychology II 2
EDU 321   Curriculum Implementation and Instruction 3
EDU 341 Research Method, Statistics and Computer Usage 3
EDU 431 Education Administration 2
EDU 433 Classroom Organisation and Management 3
RCS 224 Traditions of Jesus 2
RCS 313 Religion of the Old Testament 2
RCS 332 Christian History and Doctrine II 2
RCS 351 African Traditional Religion II 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Total 23
Course Code                        Course Title Unit
Major Courses
EDU 411 Education Psychology III 2
EDU 425 Teaching Practice II 3
RCS 214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel 2
RCS 314 Old Testament Prophets 2
RCS 322 Earliest Christianity: Life and Work of St. Paul 2
RCS 323 New Testament Theological Framework 2
RCS 324 New Testament Text I 2
RCS 413 Literature of Old Testament I 2
RCS 431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
General Studies Course
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
CED 341   Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
Total 24
Course Code                        Course Title Unit
Major Courses
EDU 441 Measurement and Evaluation 2
EDU 451 Project 4
RCS 341 Religious Interpretation of Society 2
RCS 342 Man and His Culture 2
RCS 362 Religious Ethics II 2
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II 2
RCS 421 Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II 3
RCS 481 Departmental Seminar 2
CED 342   Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
Total 24





First Semester

Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses  
Phil121 Introduction to Ethics I 2
Phil101 Introduction to Philosophy I 2
Phil131 Introduction to Logic I 2
Phil141 History of Philosophy I (Ancient) 2
RCS101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 2
RCS111 Background of the Old Testament 2
RCS123 The Background of the New Testament 2
RCS151 Introduction to African Traditional Religion 2


General Studies Courses


GSP 101  Use of English I 2
GSP 105  Natural Science I 2
GSP 111  Use of the Library and Study Skill 2
Total 22

Second Semester

Course No.              Title


Major Courses  
Phil102 Introduction to Philosophy II                                                             2
Phil132 Introduction to Logic II                                                                     2
Phil161 Introduction to Social and Political Phil.                                       2
RCS102 Field Trip and Tutorial I                                                                     2
RCS112 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament                            2
RCS124 Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus                                                 2

General Studies Courses

GSP         102          Use of English II 2
GSP         106          Natural Science II








First Semester

Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses
Phil211 Introduction to Metaphysics I
Phil231 Epistemology I
Phil242 History of Philosophy I
Phil251 African Philosophy
RCS213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History                   2
RCS223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine                                               2
RCS231 Christian History and Doctrine I                                                 2
RCS251 African Traditional Religion I                                                     2
RCS261 Religious Ethics I                                                                         2
Required Ancillary Courses
COS         101          Introduction to Computer Science 2
FSS          201          Statistics for Social Sciences I 2
GSP         201          Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Second Semester  

Course No.              Title


Major Courses
Phil222 Ethics II
Phil232 Symbolic Logic
Phil234 Philosophy of Education
Phil272 Topics in Practical Philosophy I
RCS214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel                                                       2
RCS224 Traditions of Jesus                                                                       2
Required Ancillary Courses
COS         304          Computer Application 2
FSS          202          Statistics for Social Sciences II 2
GSP         202          Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2
Total 18
First Semester  

Course No.              Title


Major Courses
Phil312 Metaphysics II
Phil323 Aesthetics
Phil352 African Philosophy II
Phil362 Political and Social Philosophy
RCS313 Religion of the Old Testament                                                     2
RCS321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginnings                                       2
RCS323 New Testament Theological Framework                                  2
RCS351 African Traditional Religion II                                                     2


General Studies Courses  
GSP 207 Humanities I 2
CED 341  Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2

Second Semester

Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses  
Phil333 Philosophy of Religion                                                               2
Phil334 Epistemology II                                                                         2
Phil336 Marxist Philosophy                                                                2
Phil335 Philosophy of Language                                                             2
RCS314 Old Testament Prophets                                                             2
RCS322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul       2
RCS324 New Testament Text I                                                               2
RCS332 Christian History and Doctrine II                                               2
RCS362 Religious Ethics II                                                                     2
                General Studies Courses
GSP 208  Humanities II 2
CED 341  Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2


First Semester

Course No.  
Major Courses  
Phil414 Philosophy of Mind I
Phil424 Contemporary Issue in Ethics
Phil445 Contemporary Philosophy
RCS413 Literature of the Old Testament I                                                 3
RCS421 Close of the New Testament Era                                            3
RCS431 Christian History and Doctrine III                                    3
RCS481 Departmental Seminar                                                                 2
Elective 2/3 Units from Philosophy                                      2/3

Second Semester

Courses No.             Title Unit
Major Courses  
Phil437 Philosophy of Science
Phil438 Philosophy of Social Science
Phil464 Philosophy of Law
Phil472 Seminar
RCS414 Literature of the Old Testament II                                            3
RCS422 New Testament Text II                                                                 3
Phil481 Project                                                                                           6




First Semester

Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  


Introduction to Political Science I

PolSc114 Nigerian Legal System I
RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion                                      2
RCS 111 Background of the Old Testament                                               2
RCS123 The Background of the New Testament                                   2
RCS151 Introducing African Traditional Religion                                2

General Studies Course

GSP         101          Use of English I 2
GSP         105          Natural Science I 2
GSP         111          Use of the Library and Study Skill 2



Any foreign Language 2

Second Semester

Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  
PolSc101 Introduction to Political Science II
PolSc115 Nigerian Legal System II
RCS 102 Field Trip and Tutorial I
RCS 112 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament
RCS124 Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus

General Studies Course

GSP         102          Use of English I 2
GS P        106          Natural Science I 2



Any foreign Language 2



First Semester


Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  
PolSc201 Introduction to Political Analysis I                                      2
PolSc221 Introduction to International Relations                                 3
RCS213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History                 2
RCS223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine
RCS231 Christian History and Doctrine I                                            2
RCS251 African Traditional Religion I                                                 2
RCS261 Religious Ethics I                                                                     2
Required Ancillary Courses  
FSS          201          Statistics for Social Sciences    I 2
GSP        201          Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2
Electives 4 Units  
Soc.         101          Introduction to Sociology 2
Psy.         101          Introduction to Psychology 2

Second Semester


Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  
PolSc241 Foundations of Political Economy                                       2
PolSc251 Political Ideas                                                                           2
RCS206 Problems of Religious Beliefs & History                            2
RCS214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel                                                     2
RCS224 Traditions of Jesus                                                                     2
RCS271 History of Islam in West Africa                                          2
Required Ancillary Course  
FSS          202          Statistics for Social Sciences    II 2
GSP        202          Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2




First Semester


Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  
PolSc361 Logic and Methods of Political Inquiry                               2
PolSc341 Politics of Development and Underdevelopment                 2
RCS313 Religion of the Old Testament                                                 2
RCS321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginnings                                  2
RCS323 New Testament Theological Framework                             2
RCS351 African Traditional Religion II                                                 2
General Studies Courses  
GSP 207  Humanities I 2
CED 341  Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2
COS 101  Introduction to Computer Science 2
Any one of these courses
Pol.Sc.     221          Theories of International Relations


Pol.Sc.     332          Theory and Practice of Administration 3

Second   Semester


Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  
PolSc301 Political Behaviour                                                                   2
PolSc311 Comparative Federalism                                                           2
RCS314 Old Testament Prophets                                                           2
RCS322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul           2
RCS324 New Testament Text I                                                             2
RCS332 Christian History and Doctrine II                                         2
RCS362 Religious Ethics II                                                                     2
Required Ancillary Course  
COS 304  Computer Application 2
CED 342  Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2
General Studies Courses  
GS           208          Humanities II 2



First Semester


Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  
PolSc411 The Military and Politics 3
PolSc425 Third World and Dependency 3
RCS413 Literature of the Old Testament I 3
RCS421 The Close of the New Testament Era 3
RCS431 Christian History and Doctrine III 3
One elective taken from following
Pol.Sc. 413              Nigerian Local Government 3
Pol.Sc. 421              Nigerian Foreign Policy 3
Pol. Sc. 431             Public Finance Administration 3
Pol. Sc. 443             Revaluation and Society 3
Pol. Sc. 443             Political Sociology 3

Second   Semester


Course: No.             Title


Major Courses  
PolSc412 Politics and Law in Africa                                                      3
RCS 414 Literature of the Old Testament II                                         3
RCS 422 New Testament Texts II                                                             3
PolSc472 Research Project                                                                    6


One elective from the following
Pol. Sc. 422             Political of International Law 3
Pol. Sc.423              International Politics of Mass Comm. 3
Pol. Sc.432              Comparative Public Administration 3
Pol. Sc.433              Public Personnel Administration 3
Pol. Sc.424              International Institutions and Organization 3


First Semester  
Courses No.             Title Unit
Major Courses  
Psy101 Introduction to Psychology 2
Psy102 Learning Process I                                                                         2
Psy111 Quantitative Methods in Psychology I                                       2
RCS101 Introduction to the Study of Religion                                        2
RCS111 Background of the Old Testament                                                 2
RCS123 The Background of the New Testament                                     2
RCS151 Introduction to African Traditional Religion                            2


General Studies      Courses  
GSP         101          Use of English I 2
GSP         105          Natural Science I 2
GSP         111          Use of the Library and Study Skill 2

Second Semester

Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses
Psy103 Determinants of Behaviour
Psy104 Learning Process II
Psy112 Quantitative Methods in Psychology II
Psy121 Basic Concepts in Experimental Psychology
RCS102 Field Trip and Tutorial I
RCS111 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament
RCS124 Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus
                General Studies Courses  
GSP         102          Use of English II 2
GSP         106          Natural Sciences II 2
First Semester                          
Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses
Psy221 General Experimental Psychology I
Psy241 Introduction to Social Psychology
Psy251 Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence
Psy261 Psychology of Personality
RCS213 The People of the Old Testament: Their History
RCS223 Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine
RCS231 Christian History and Doctrine I
RCS251 African Traditional Religion I
RCS261 Religious Ethics I
Required Ancillary Courses  
COS        101          Introduction to Computer Sciences 2
FSS          201          Statistics for Social Sciences I 2
GSP         201          Peace and Conflict Resolution I 2

Second Semester

Courses No.             Title Unit
Major Courses  
Psy222 General Experimental Psychology II
Psy233 Psychobiology
Psy242 Psychology of Ethnicity and Ethnic Group
Psy252 Developmental Psychology: Adulthood and Ageing
RCS206 Problems of Religious and & History
RCS214 Exilic and Post-Exilic Israel
RCS224 Traditions of Jesus


Required Ancillary Courses  
COS        304          Computer Application 2
FSS          202          Statistical Methods in the Social Sciences. 2
GSP         202          Peace and Conflict Resolution II 2


First Semester

Curses No.               Title Unit
Major Courses
Psy311 Statistical Methods in Psychology I
Psy342 Industrial /Occupational Psychology
Psy351 Introduction to Abnormal/Clinical Psych.
Psy371 Theories and Systems
RCS321 Earliest Christianity: The Beginnings                                     2
Rel323 New Testament Theological Framework                                 2
RCS351 African Traditional Religion II                                                   2


General Studies Courses  
GSP 207  Humanities I 2
CED 341  Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research I 2

Second Semester

Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses  
Psy301 Cognitive Psychology                                                                 2
Psy313 Research Methods in Psychology                                               2
Psy341 Advanced Social Psychology                                                     2
Psy381 Environmental Psychology                                                         2
RCS314 Old Testament Prophets                                                             2
RCS322 Earliest Christianity: The Life and Work of St. Paul             2
Rel324 New Testament Text I                                                                 2
Rel332 Christian History and Doctrine II                                               2
Rel362 Religious Ethics II                                                                       2


                General Studies Courses      
GSP208   Humanities 2
CED 342  Courses on Entrepreneurial Development and Research II 2


First Semester

Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses  
Psy441 Social Perception                                                                           2
Psy443 Psychology of Vocational Behaviour                                         2
Psy451 Advanced Abnormal/Clinical Psychology                                 2
Psy452 Behaviour Modification                                                                 2
Psy461 Psychological Testing and Test Construction                           2
RCS413 Literature of the Old Testament I                                                 3
RCS421 The Close of the New Testament Era                                       3
RCS431 Christian History and Doctrine III                                                 3


Second Semester

Course No.              Title Unit
Major Courses
Psy445 Psychology of Union Management Relations                         2
Psy455 Forensic Psychology                                                                   2
Psy462 Psychological Test and Assessment                                         2
RCS414 Literature of the Old Testament II                                               3
RCS422 New Testament Text II                                                                 3
Psy491 Project                                                                                           6



100 Level                                                                                                                                                                    

RCS 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion                                                 2 Units

This course of study serves as a general introduction to the comparative study of man’s religious experiences, with special emphasis on common features found in religious beliefs and practices. The essence is to study religion as a universal phenomenon. It introduces students to the various definitions of religion from the sociological, cultural and psychological points of view. Keywords include theism, revelation, worship, sacred and profane, symbolism, taboos, myths, and religious language. Uses and abuses of religion in the society are considered.

RCS 102                 Field Trip and Tutorial                                                        2 Units

The Course attempts to acquaint students with ancient religious centres, museums, modern religious institutions, ecumenical centres and religious personalities whose wealth of experience will expose students to better understanding of religion.

RCS 111                 Background of the Old Testament                                      2 Units

The Old Testament documents and people did not develop ex-nihilo. Their lives and tradition developed from other Ancient Near Eastern peoples. This explains why some materials in the Old Testament resemble some documents from the Ancient Near East. The course, therefore, studies some archaeological documents that bear semblance with the Old Testament materials especially those from Mari, Nuzi, Ugarit Tell-el –Amarna, etc.

RCS 112 Introduction to the study of the Old Testament                               2 Units

The course introduces students to the modern Old Testament criticism beginning with the Textual criticism, Tradico-Historical method to Historical-critical methods. The course also looks at the contributions of scholars like J. Morinus, L. Capellus, G.W.F.Hegel, J. Wellhausen, Gunkel and Scandinavian scholars.

RCS 121                 Basic Biblical Greek I                                                           2 Units

This course covers the basic grammar of the language with frequent exercises in translation from Greek into English and from English into Greek. Basic English Grammar is revised as a pre-requisite to basic Greek grammar. The following topics are taught, Diphthongs, Breathings, Elision and Diaeresis, punctuations, iota subscript, crasis, movable consonants – v, and accents. Verbs to be taught include Present, Imperfect and Future Indicative Active. Nouns include Second and First Declensions. Articles, Further uses of Cases and simple sentences are made. Verb to-be are included here.

RCS 122                 Basic Biblical Greek II                                                          2 Units

This is a continuation of REL 121 and in addition, more Greek exercises on translation are drawn from the New Testament Greek Text. Present and Imperfect Indicative Passive, Aorist – strong and weak, Adjectives in masculine, feminine and neuter, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Adverbs, and Parsing are the key areas.

RCS 123                 The Background of the New Testament                             2 Units

The course covers the cultural, literary and ideological background of Palestinian Judaism into which Jesus Christ was born emphasizing the conflict between Judaism and Hellenism, Torah Religion, Sects and Parties, the Rabbis and their influence in first century Judaism, the Temple and it Rituals, Basic Religious Institutions in first century Judaism, the sacred writings and apocalyptic literature, the message and method of apocalyptic as they relate to the New Testament. The problem of the Tradition of the Elders during the time of Jesus is examined.

RCS 124:               Introduction to the Tradition of Jesus                               2 Units

This course is designed to acquaint students with the development of Jesus’ traditions, Messiahship, introduction to Gospel criticisms ― Form Criticism, Literary Criticism, Source Criticism, Textual Criticism, Redaction criticism ― inspiration/ inerrancy of the New Testament books, the Synoptic problem and the writing of the New Testament books as well as the selection of books into Canon, Messianic secrets of Mark are also examined.

RCS 142                 Religion and Human Values I                                             2 Units

This course aims at emphasizing human dignity as opposed to modern technological advantages man may accrue, important as there are, the population of religious traditions, oral or written which sanction this emphasis- Ethics of chauvinism and U.N. Human Rights.

RCS 151                Introduction to African Traditional Religion    2 Units

This course will expose students to an overview of the traditional religion of Africa (ATR). Emphasis will be laid on such general topics like the definition and characteristic features of ATR, problems of nomenclature; sources; some elements in the structure of ATR and the relevance of ATR in contemporary African situation.


200 Level


RCS 201:               History of Religions                                                              2 Units

This course offers special studies in the Pre-historical psychological and sociological theories of the origin and development of religion; characteristic features common to all religious; types and classification of religions and special study of the history and content of the main living religions of Asia.

RCS 202:               Basic Concepts in the Study of Religion and Society 2 Units

The course introduces students to those basic and fundamental issues man faces which help man to realize his position as being in relationship with not only the Transcendence but also with the society in which man lives and interacts with his fellow beings, etc.

RCS 204:               Field Trip and Tutorial II                                                    2 Units

Students are taught how to examine religious and cultural relics, museums, religious and cultural personalities and institutions. Traditional religious centres, Christian religious centres as well as Islamic religious centre are to be visited by the students to familiarize themselves with the three major religions in Nigeria and the sacred objects and relics which they value very highly. Students are required to present critical reports on their observations during fieldwork.

RCS 206:               Problems of Religious Belief and History                           2 Units

The course aims at exposing students to various problems which various religious beliefs bring to the society and the relevance of history in helping to find some helpful solutions. The three major religions in Nigeria, their common features, history and tenets will be taught. The major causes of religious conflicts and problems will also be examined. Possible solutions are also proffered.

RCS 208:               Introduction to Philosophy of Religion                             2 Units

The task of introducing philosophy is given. The course seeks to answer some fundamental questions raised against religious themes as well as understanding these philosophical objections.

RCS 211:               Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew                             2 Units

The course introduces the students to the structure and working vocabulary of Hebrew language. It also covers such topics as the Hebrew alphabets, external vowels signs (the Massoretic points, principles of the syllable, vowel system and the tone, the dagesh and Begadkephath letters, the Gutturals, and Resh, the Article and adjective, form of the sentence in Hebrew (Meqqeph &Metegh); Personal, Demonstrative, Interrogative and other pronouns; simple forms of the verb, the perfect and imperfect.

RCS 212:               Elements of Hebrew Grammar                                            2 Units

The course is an inseparable pair of Rel. 211. It widens students` knowledge on such issue as: Inseparable preposition, The Noun, Inflection, construct state, pronominal suffixes, The imperative, infinitive and participle, The Jussive, Cohortative and waw consecutive, paradigm of the regular verb; The simple reflexive –Niphal, The intensive, active, passive and reflexive- piel, pu`al and Hithpael.

RCS 213 :              The People of the Old Testament: Their History               2 Units

The course familiarizes the students with the History of the Ancient Near Eastern people as it concerns the people of Israel. This takes the students through the life of the Patriarch, the era of tribal amphictony, the Monarchy to the exile of the two Hebrew Kingdom.

RCS 214:              Exilic and post Exilic Israel                                                  2 Units

The course starts with historical reconstruction of the exilic era, the early post- exilic period and reconstruction under Nehemiah and Ezra. The history of the Jews under the Persians; The history of the Jews under the Greeks: From Alexander to Selucid domination, The Maccabean revolt and the Hasmonean.

RCS 221:               Advanced Biblical Greek I                                                   2 Units

(Pre-requisites REL 121, 123)

The students are introduced to the syntax of new Testament Greek, temporal clauses, reported speech, indirect questions and commands, the subjunctive and optative moods, final clauses, perfects with present meaning. Periphrastic constructions are also employed to help students translate from English to Greek and vice versa; Imperative, Infinitive, Middle Voice, Perfect and Pluperfect, Participles, Third Declension and more Parsing.

RCS 222:               Advanced Biblical Greek II                                                 2 Units

This course is an Introduction to textual criticism. Greek texts of selected passages of St. Mark are studied.        Methods of preservation of the original traditions of Jesus are examined. The following concepts are defined, conflation, haplography, dittography, palimpsest, codex, minuscule, itacism,                 interpolation, uncials and cursives, parchments are considered. Internal and external evidences are taught – the habit of scribes, manuscript evidence, the use of Textual Apparatus to solve Textual problems form major part of the part. Deciding of the best reading in a variant text is required. Codices available and their codes are memorized. Authorship, Date and Content of Mark’s Gospel are considered.

RCS 223:               Geo-Cultural Setting of Palestine                                        2 Units

The course examines the geography and climate, roads and hill paths, towns and villages, Houses, Clothes, food and Drink, Education, flowers and birds of Palestine during the time of Jesus. Two centres of Jesus’ Ministry – Capernaum and its neighbourhood, as well as Jerusalem (the last week) are examined. This will help the student to appreciate why some critical statements were made by the New Testament characters.

RCS 224:               Traditions of Jesus                                                               2 Units

This course examines the main teachings and miracles of Jesus, discipleship, Sermon on the Mount, the figurative use of mountains and cloud in the Bible, Jesus confrontations with religious and socio-political leaders, Son of God, Son of Man, Lord etc. Deliberate attempts are made to relate these teachings and life mission of Jesus Christ to the socio-economic and political situations of modern African society.

RCS 231:               Christian History and Doctrine I                                        2 Units

The course traces the history of the Primitive Church from the close of the Apostolic Age to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 451 A.D. Special reference is made to the relations of Church and State, the internal organization of the Church, the Roman Primacy, and the doctrinal controversies within the period.

RCS 251:               African Traditional Religion I                                             2 Units

This course offers special studies in the nature of African traditional religion; belief in Supreme God; existence and worship; belief in minor divinities; ancestral cult and reincarnation; priesthood, rites of passage, oracles and divination; secret societies, charms and magic, witchcraft and the future of African traditional religion.

RCS 261:               Religious Ethics I                                                                  2 Units

The course is designed to offer special studies in the origin, definition and classification of ethical systems; morality and religion; biblical ethics, traditional African ethics and values; conscience, the state and positive law and the democratic ideals.

RCS 262: Ethical and Basic Principles of Counselling                                    2 Units

The course introduces the students to the core of counselling, the basic principles, and the goals of counselling to varied needs and the ethics relating to counselling skills. The focus is to prepare students for various methods of counselling in times of anxiety, anger, depression and marital problems. The aim is to help individual students to understand themselves, to help one another and to develop counselling skill.

RCS 272:               History of Islam in West Africa                                           2 Units

This is an introductory course, which covers the advent and propagation of Islam in the Empires of the Sudan. The course is a historical survey of the introduction and progress of Islam in the ancient Kingdoms of Songhay, Ghana, Mali and Bornu-Kanem Emirates. Included in the subject matter is an examination of the cultural, religious and social factors responsible for the spread of Islam, and the impact of the religion on the West African sub-region. In addition the course is intended to modern methods of propagating Islam such as educational institutions, mass media, conferences, seminars and the internet.


300 Level


RCS 311:               Hebrew Grammar and Syntax I                                         2 Units

This course is a continuation of Rel 211 &213; Parsing of the causative o- Hiphil and the passive – Hophal; verbal suffixes, use of preposition, verbs with guttural or weak letters as radicals; some common irregular nouns. Students will become conversant with Hebrew grammatical components. They will also translate from Hebrew to English and vice versa.

RCS 312:               Hebrew Grammar and Syntax II                                        2 Units

The course helps the students in applying all the grammar they have learnt in the translation of passages from the Hebrew Bible into English especially in Genesis and Judges. More complex translations are required. Students should be able to isolate technical differences in the biblical versions.

RCS 313:               Religion of the Old Testament                                             2 Units

This is a brief study of the theories of origin of Old Testament religion. This will be studied under (a) Religion of the Patriarchs, (b) Mosaic Yahweism, (c) Religion under the crown and (d) Major changes of Israel’s religion during the exile.

RCS 314:               Old Testament Prophets                                                      2 Units

The course studies general introduction to Prophetism in Israel, comprising the Former and the Latter Prophets. It also takes on the major themes from the prophets. Some of these include: the idea of election, responsibility of the nation and individuals before Yahweh, sacrifice, sovereignty of God, House of God, the Day of Yahweh, etc.

RCS 321:               Earliest Christianity: The Beginnings                                                2 Units

This course focuses students’ attention on the beginnings of Christianity emphasizing development of theological thoughts on the Kingdom of God, Synoptic kerygma and Christian self-awareness as a distinct community, the socio-ethical problems associated with the Church changing from a religious movement to religious institution, their failure to win the Jews, the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Hellenistic Christianity and Jewish Christianity,    factors that helped the spread of Christianity, re-interpretation of Jesus traditions in the light of Easter experience are taught.

RCS 322:               Earliest Christianity: The Life and work of St Paul         2 Units

The course introduces students to major themes in the life, work and theology of Paul. The importance of St Paul to Christian beginning is the beginning of the course. Paul the Jew and Paul the Roman citizen are examined. The significance of the Damascus Road experience of Paul, the Call and Missionary Journeys, Paul’s Theological thoughts on the Law, the fall of man, righteousness – Justification, grace, faith, freedom, Christian ethics, eschatology, and Christology are examined from his letters. Pauline kerygma is juxtaposed with the Apostolic Kerigma.

RCS 323                 New Testament Theological Framework                            2 Units

This course examines the origin of New Testament Theological motives, Mark’s predictions, Background of the Book of Revelation, New Testament Promises and Predictions, Resurrection of The Saints and Immortality, Recovery of Eschatology, Messiahship and Messianic Hopes.

RCS 324:              New Testament Text I                                                          2 Units

This course is designed to acquaint students with the principles and methods of New Testament Exegesis and Hermeneutics. These principles of exegesis are applied to the main teachings and issues in the Epistle to the Romans and Acts of Apostles with Selected passages in Greek or English languages. Authorship, Dates and Content of these books are examined.

RCS 331:              History of Christianity in West Africa                                2 Units

The aim of the course is to understand what Church history is and to apply this in reconstructing the history of the Church in West Africa from the Portuguese missions to the rise of independent churches. Emphasis will be placed on missionary activates, West African Response and patterns of religious change. The course also studies missionary activities and the growth and spread of churches in Nigeria from 19th to 21st Centuries, and what contributions the church has made to the development of Nigeria Proliferation of churches and its effects in the society.

RCS 332:               Christian History and Doctrine II                                    2 Units

The history of the medieval church with special Reference to its reform movements, Theology of reformation and the Christian missions. Reference is made to the doctrines of scripture and tradition faith and work, and grace and merit

RCS 334:               African Church Fathers.                                                      2 Units

The aim of the course is to guide the students to know the history of the African Church Fathers in the early Christian Church, with special reference to the significant role, and contributions made by the African Church Leaders in the defence, propagation, growth and the expansion of the Christian Church in the early church.

RCS 336: Reformation Era 1500 –––1650                                                         2 Units

The purpose of this course is to examine the causes of the Reformation started by Martin Luther; the doctrinal teachings of the Reformers. The Counter Reformation by Roman Catholic Church and the general consequences of the Reformation in Europe.

RCS 341:               Religious Interpretation of Society                                      2 Units

This course prepares and acquaints the students with practical everyday life situation facing them; the importance of self-transcendence and moral-transcendence in man as a good citizen. Man and ethics, Man and religion, religion and social institutions, Creation: mythical, biblical and traditional.

RCS 342:              Man and His Culture                                                           2 Units

The course studies man and his significance vis-à-vis the culture which he has built. The concept of culture as a creation of the society is examined. It further examines the relationship between culture and religion as well as culture and education. Recent trends in enculturation and acculturation are studied. The exclusive nature of human culture and religion over other lower creation of animates/ primates are examined.

RCS 343:               The Relevance of Religion to Man                                       2 Units

The aim of this course is to help students to realise that religion is a dominant and fundamental force to be reckoned with, otherwise, the society in which man lives becomes chaotic. Emphasis is placed on the values of religion to man especially as a character builder, mobilizer, motivator, and their welfare packages. The importance of achieving this through atmosphere of cordiality and freedom is emphasized.

RCS 344:               Religion and Human Values II                                          2 Units

This is based on Rel 106. The course goes further to raise such important questions as human healthy existence such as honesty, care for the needy, integrity, mutual co-existence and respect, good name as opposed to ill-gotten wealth, obedience to the law of the nation, hard work, egotism, unity of purpose and what effects these have on the immediate society and the nation at large.

RCS 351:              African Traditional Religion II                                          2 Units

The course posits before students the in-depth contents of African culture and religion, starting from Chineke, the Creator, to every other thing created. The significance of worship, sacrifice, ethics, life, death and eschatology. The significance of Chukwu and other created spirits. The role of the traditional religion in nation-building.

RCS 352                African Traditional Religion III                                          2 Units

The course challenges the students to the continuity of or discontinuity of African Traditional Religion. Comparative issues among the three major religions in Nigeria such as naming ceremonies/ child dedication, Title-taking, Burial rites, etc as well as the role of traditional religion in nation building are considered.

RCS 362:               Religious Ethics II                                                                                2 Units

This course exposes the students to practical day-to-day ethical problems facing the nation. The focus is to give form to the moral ideals and to exert a strong influence on the development of moral codes in the students. Seminars and assignments on various themes are presented and critically analysed and assessed.

400 Level


RCS 402:               Religion and the Nigerian Nation                                        2 Units

This course is designed to expose the students to the contemporary problems of religion and state. How religion can bring peace and tolerance through religious dialogue; the contributions of religion to national ethical values, the positive and negative contribution of Religion to the state and the world

RCS 411:               Hebrew Poetry                                                                       2 Units

The nature and main features of Hebrew poetry are studies based on specific Hebrew texts from the Psalter, Wisdom, Proverbs and Lamentation.

RCS 413:               Literature of the Old Testament I                                       3 Units

The course looks at the early development of literary studies of the Old Testament especially as it concerns Transmission, Text and Canon. It also identifies the lost books of Old Testament which were used in the writing of some parts of the Old Testament e.g., the Book of War of Yahweh, The book of Josiah, the Book of righteousness, etc.

RCS 414:               Literature of the Old Testament II                                     3 Units

This course looks deep into the three sections of Old Testament literature which include the Torah (Law), Nabi`im (Prophets) and the Ketubim (Writings) noting their places in the history and religion of Israel. The religion and history of the Israelites are interwoven and interrelated. This accounts for the significant places of the Old Testament literature.

RCS 416:               Pseudo- Epigraphic Book of the Old Testament               2 Units

The course studies some interesting themes from some pseudo-epigraphical works of the inter-testamental period. Some of these themes like the kingdom of God, Kingdom of heaven, son of man, etc. cut across the Testaments. This course improves on the knowledge of students in understanding the salient topics and themes in these materials. Myths surrounding these materials are unfolded.

RCS 421:               Close of the New Testament Era                                         3 Units

Movement and development in early Christianity up to the close of the writing of the canonical books of the New Testament are taught. The place of the New Testament for Christianity are also taught. Biblical criticisms, Jesus of history and Christ of faith, the New Quests are examined. How the need for Church Government and discipline, pseudoepigraphy and heresy became a major and critical issue in the early Church.

RCS 422:              New Testament Texts II                                                       3 Units

This course applies the principles of Exegesis and Hermeneutics in the main teachings and issues as contained in John’s gospel and the Epistles of John. Selected passages are studied in Greek or English. Exegesis of selected passages is applied to the African society. Date, Authorship, and Contents of these books are exegetically examined. Johannine Soteriology, the significance of the “I Am Statement” and the Signs are examined.

RCS 431:              Christian History and Doctrine III                                     3 Units

The history of the Church from 1750 to the present with special reference to the evangelical revival, the missionary movement, developments of and challenges to liberal though in Roman Catholic and protestant churches; the ecumenical movement; eschatology, atonement, natural theology.

RCS 437:              Modern African Religious Thought                                    3 Units

The aim of this course is to examine the new trends in theological development in Africa scene. It also examines the religious thoughts and ideas that have emerged in the African scene since the emergence of Christianity in West Africa. The focus is on the ideas and thoughts that led to the development of Black Theology, Liberation Theology and emergent of African Theology in response to the Gospel in West Africa.


RCS 443:              Religion and Culture in Contemporary Society                                2 Units

The aim of this course is to help the students to familiarise themselves with the functions of religion within culture that is inseparably interwoven with it. Since religion is an integral part of culture the impact of the latter on the former is treated. There will also be a comparative analysis of Nigerian culture with other cultures as it touches on Christian religion. The impact of modernity, urbanization, education, Pentecostalism on African culture will be examined.

RCS 444:               Theodicy                                                                               2 Units

This course discusses in detail the existence of evil in all its forms following the claim that God did not create evil and that He is wholly good. Augustine’s idea of the existence of evil and other ideas will be brought into focus.

RCS 456:              Comparative Study of Religion in Africa                           2 Units

This course exposes students to trans-cultural study of some basic cultural traits of African countries within the available reach of literature.     The use of Max Muller model of comparative religion is studied. The major world religions are studied with a view to sift the common elements and their contrasting views. At the end students are exposed to various religious cultures and their attitudinal behaviours.

RCS 471:              Islamic Ethics                                                                        2 Units

The course is an introduction to the study of Islamic ethics. Its main aim is to examine the relation between the ethical elements in the Quran, and the moral values in general. The course content includes the study of the close link between religion and ethics in Islam. The main sources of Islamic ethics, such as the Quran, Hadith, Sunna, the Five Pillars and Ijoma are considered. The importance of the Sharia Legal Code in Islam is examined. Basic ethical elements such as the concept of social justice, sin and forgiveness, predestination, brotherhood, day of judgment or resurrection, al-haram and al-halal (prohibitions and lawful acts in Islam) are examined in details.

RCS 481: Departmental Seminar                                                                       2 Units

The course aims at exposing students to issues of practice of religion in a pluralistic society like Nigeria; state-religious bodies’ relationships; the issues of Christianity and native cultures and traditions. Seminar Papers are presented by students.

RCS 491                 Project Tutorials                                                                   1 Unit

This course examines the meaning and nature of academic research. Field and Library forms of research methods are examined. Different methods of collecting and collating data form core part of the tutorial; e.g. interview, questionnaire, respondent, use of library material skills, Internet, etc. Different methods of documentation, including American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association and Classic Styles are taught. The use of the internet for research is taught. Students are expected to have a hands-on experience in internet browsing.

RCS 492:               Project                                                                                    6 Units

Students are required to conduct a research on a problem topic that should be classified in a stress area. Their research report/long essay should follow a specified documentation pattern. The Departmental Board approves the subject of the research paper by the end of the penultimate year of study.